If you are struggling to create a presence for your property on social media, oh do we have a tasty treat for you. Because we think you’re pretty cool and can see your not-so-silent struggle, we’ve decided to gift you our most coveted tips, tricks, and content ideas. We wanna help you look more like a social media wizard and less like a novice.
Why social media is worth your while
No matter if you’re a social media lover or big-time hater, social media is here to stay. In fact, there were only 7.3 million Facebook users by the end of 2006, and by the first quarter of 2019, those numbers skyrocketed to 2.38 billion. If you didn’t notice, that’s a whole lot of people, and some of those people could be the potential renters you’re looking for.
On top of this gargantuan number, nearly 90% of those users are between the ages of 18 and 29, which is a massive audience for your typical renter age-range. If those potential renters are active on social media platforms, you should be too.
Not only can you help lure in new renters by using social media, but you also can use social media to bring more positive attention to your property by sharing some awesome, creative content and keeping your people in the know.
Content ideas for when you’re lost
We understand that coming up with inspiring content is difficult, especially for those brains that don’t produce a ton of creative juices to begin with. But like we said, even the most active social media posters get writer’s block. Unclog those pipes with these hot ideas for keeping your audience interested. (Feel free to take notes!)
- Introduce your management team. Giving a brief introduction of each of your team members will help tighten your property’s community by allowing your residents to put names to faces (or vice versa) of important staff members. Whether it be a group photo or individual posts for each person, anything is always better than nothing, a post like this will help your residents get to know your team.

- Give decorating tips. We can’t think of anything better than giving residents some DIY guides to improve their homes, and honestly, this is a great time to do it. Many of us are still stuck in our homes (thanks to Ms. Rona) and are scouring the internet for something to do, so one way to make yourself useful is to provide your residents with productive things they can do to love their place even more.
- Host a property contest or giveaway. People go crazy over contests and giveaways. I mean, have you seen the wacky things people will do for a free t-shirt?? Plus, they’re a great way to gain new followers. Have you ever thought of having a resident contest? It’s a great way to bring folks in the community together! Some contest examples might be decoration wars, talent shows, guessing games, or scavenger hunts! Use social media as a way to post contest details, winners, and prizes.
- Pet highlights (please). Now, this one only applies to those pet-friendly properties (which, full disclosure, we are definitely biased towards), but if you’re a pet-free community, you could still do a variation on this theme! Since social media is an animal-friendly place, everyone will want to see the cutest animals from your building, so please, highlight them! This is super easy to do because all you need to do is ask residents to send in pictures of their pets and all you have to do is post them. Boom. Simple.
- Property updates and reminders. This one is a no-brainer, but we thought we should share it anyway. Honestly, the more ways you can communicate with and update your residents, the better. Here’s one great example from the Green Park Apartments and the updates they provide to their residents.

- Share crowdsourced ideas. Another basically zero-effort way of getting quality content is by asking your residents for their input. You can get creative with this and ask them their favorite playlists, podcasts, movies, and more.
- Announce events. Since we are still amidst a pandemic, you’re gonna have to get a little creative with this one. Some great event ideas we have heard of are movie nights where the residents watch a movie via Netflix Party (provided to-go snacks are a plus), a balcony dance party, or online trivia. If you’re looking for some more ideas, we have some epic ideas in our Covid-Friendly Resident Activities article.
- Support local businesses. Small businesses are taking a huge hit right now because of the pandemic, and the least we can do is help them drum up some business. Not only will this help local business owners, but it will also help you connect your residents to the community around you.
General tips & tricks
Now that you have a bunch of content ideas for you to post (you’re welcome), you’re probably wondering how the heck you’re gonna deal with them. Have we ever left you hanging? No. So here are some handy dandy tips to help ya out.

- Consistency is key. Listen up: no one wants to go through a social media profile that is terrifying to look at because it is so inconsistent and all out of whack due to it being so unaesthetic. PLEASE just get your key colors, logo, and messaging nailed-down. Oh, and don’t forget to post multiple times a week. You do not want to be a “once-in-a-blue-moon” kinda profile, because those guys always get lost in people’s busy social feeds. You can easily schedule your posts by using platforms like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or SocialPilot. However you want to manage your posts, just make sure that you’re following up with a semi-consistent content schedule.
- Be picky with your pictures. Having a professional photographer come out to capture your property can be a spendy thing, but we promise you that it’s worth the investment. If you get some quality photos of the units, common spaces, outside, and more, you will have content that will last you for a long time. On top of that, these images can be used for the website and across the property itself. Remember the old rule, “you get what you pay for?” If you settle for crappy pictures, it will only come to hurt you in the long run. And it might just be one of the reasons why buyers have turned away from your property as a whole.
For your viewing pleasure, we have included some gorgeous Instagram profiles. If you need photo inspiration, this is it. Shoutouts to @foundrylakestreet @mgrandapts and @centrepointeapts on the gram.
- Be transparent. Now more than ever, people really appreciate transparency. If you’re going to be anything, please just be honest with your residents. We promise you that it will pay off in the end and you will have a lot fewer Karens knocking on your door each day asking questions, calling you a liar, and complaining.
Well, that’s a wrap, folks.
Remember, social media isn’t just a pastime. It’s where many people get their news, communicate with friends, and play. It makes the best business sense to stay in the game and take your social presence to the next level and by keeping your property out there for others to discover. Stay relevant, stay informed, and stay connected.
Well, that’s all that I’ve got to say about that, for now. Don’t be afraid to share this with others. You know, sharing is caring.